INGREDIENT IN: LeVallee, LeRevitalize, LeSynopsis
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: hepatic, nervous system and cardiovascular tonic, diuretic, vermifuge
AFFINITY FOR: skin, cardiovascular system, liver, digestive system, gall bladder meridian, intestinal tract, nervous system, liver meridian
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
PLANT FAMILY:Umbelliferae
APPLICATION: Carrot seed should be used, diluted, directly on the areas of concern.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: When diffused, carrot seed can strengthen our sense of inner fortitude and will power.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Carrot seed oil helps fortify those who are feeling weak, inefficient, or disorganized. This oil is well suited to impractical dreamers. Carrot seed can give focus and energy to those who procrastinate projects because we don’t want to put forth the necessary hard work or mental effort.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Carrot seed is a powerful liver detoxifier and blood cleanser. It is particularly useful in bowel inflammations. Carrot seed is of benefit for digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, and gas.
Carrot seed contains carotene and vitamin A. These nutrients strengthen eyesight and help with anemia. They also make carrot seed a very good oil for skin health and healing. Carrot seed should be considered for burns, psoriasis and eczema, open sores, ulcers, and boils. Carrot seed applied to the hands regularly may lighten or prevent age spots.