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INGREDIENT IN: LeBountiful, LeCinnamonBear, LeHousewarming, LeJourney, LeLiteN

THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: stimulant, antiseptic, antibiotic, antiviral, antiputrescent, analgesic, antidiarrheal, antimicrobial, antiemetic, carminative

AFFINITY FOR: circulatory system, immune system

RESONANCE: physical, emotional


PART UTILIZED: leaves, bark

EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled

APPLICATION: Cassia should be diluted with particular care.

AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Cassia has a warm, spicy aroma, like cinnamon. Cassia, diffused or inhaled, reduces drowsiness and lessens irritability.

EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Cassia is a good oil for those who display few emotions. It can be stimulating and relaxing to those who are rigid and inflexible in their thinking, and consequently, rigid and inflexible in their bodies. Cassia can help us see new solutions to old problems, or look at old relationships in new ways.

Physical Aspect: Cassia, like other Cinnamonum family members, is a powerful oxygenator. Cassia has a stimulating effect on the whole body, but its action is gently insistent. As a cardiovascular tonic, this oil is excellent. Cassia oil is strongly antimicrobial; virus spores, bacteria, and fungi cannot live in its presence. The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil are helpful with arthritis and other aches and pains. Studies have shown that cassia stimulates T-lymphocyte activity and immuno-globulin production by the B-cells of the immune system. Increased activity of these key elements of the immune system strengthens resistance to disease.

CAUTIONS: Cassia should be avoided, except in blends, when pregnant or nursing. It is too strong to be used in the bath. Care should be taken to dilute especially well when using with children or those with sensitive skin.