Colostrum6 minimum amounts of important constituents per serving:
• 2300 ng/g of IGF-1
• 2-3% of Lactoferrin
• 25% total Immunoglobulins
• 24% Proline-Rich Polypeptides
Immune Tree colostrum is the ONLY colostrum in the world that has been certified by associates of Cornell University to be “true colostrum”. Our colostrum is low heat spray dried, chemical-free, and 100% natural with NO fillers of any sort! It also contains natural chymosin which protects and ensures bio-availability as it passes through the gut.
Immune Tree Colostrum6 is natural and more anabolic than synthetic compounds. Whether you are looking to enhance your physical and mental performance, endurance, strength, stamina, health or energy; Colostrum6 has all the natural building blocks to help you on your way!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.