LeKey to My Heart
INGREDIENTS: copaiba balsam, cypress, geranium, helichrysum, mandarin, orange sweet, palmarosa, ylang ylang
AFFINITY FOR: cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, urinary tract, cardiopulmonary, vein health, sacral and solar plexus chakras, root and crown chakras, connection to heaven and earth, communication between all chakras, governing vessel meridian
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
APPLICATION: LeKey to My Heart, diluted, may be applied on the chest over the heart area several times a day. LeVitality can also be applied to the acupressure heart area on the left foot, or alternatively, to the heart points found under the left ring finger and corresponding toe on the left foot.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: LeKey to My Heart can be worn as a perfume or diffused.
GENERAL INFORMATION: LeKey to My Heart came about originally as a serendipitous mistake made in the blending of LeVitality. It still contains many of the same essential oil singles as LeVitality, but some oils specifically targeting emotions that are linked to heart dysfunction have been added to the blend.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeKey to My Heart is very strong in the balancing and repairing of the cardiovascular, circulatory, pulmonary, and lymphatic systems. This blend can be used in conjunction with, or in lieu of, LeVitality for heart related and circulatory conditions. The choice should be made according to the emotional patterns, stresses, and needs of the individual. LeKey to My Heart has proven useful for lowering high blood pressure, reducing stress levels, and increasing stamina and energy levels.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: LeKey to My Heart creates enthusiasm for life and confidence that one’s body is capable of healing and adequate to the tasks being required of it.
This blend seems to stabilize and open the emotional and electrical rhythms of the heart and has a dramatic impact on the pericardium, both physically and emotionally. The pericardium is the protective case around the physical heart and the protective watchman of the emotional heart. Openness here allows us to give and receive love and perceive other people’s intentions accurately and without judgement. An open and well-functioning pericardium is the basis for great and effective leadership. This is an effective oil for those stressful days when one has no choice but to multi-task and do so efficiently and well.
One description of this blend by a frequent user described it as helping to “create a self-disciplined, decided heart.” This is a perfect description of the emotional impact ofLeKey to My Heart. She also mentioned that LeKey to My Heart gives one “sufficient hope to venture out and go forth and live, while creating a safe atmosphere in which to work.” LeKey to My Heart contains additional emotionally balancing oils which are not present in LeVitality, but it is slightly less effective for the physical repair of heart valves.