INGREDIENTS: anthopogon, rose, ylang ylang, vanilla
AFFINITY FOR: immune system, digestive system, liver, ligaments, bones, skin, hair, all four fire meridians, wood element (1st meridian), heart and crown chakras
RESONANCE: emotional, physical
APPLICATION: LeReconciliation makes a very nice perfume. It is excellent diffused, as a massage oil, or added to a bath.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: The strength of LeReconciliation lies in helping us find perspective and peace by bringing us understanding and compassion. This empathy is like a warm blanket, covering ourselves and others, allowing us to stay connected even when distance separates us.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: LeReconciliation can fill the deep well of loneliness we sometimes feel when our lives are being lived at a distance, physically or emotionally, from the home and heritage of our formative years. Sometimes we feel that who we have become is so different from who we were that our loved ones no longer have any idea who we are. We feel misunderstood, unappreciated, and isolated from those with whom we would like to share the depths of ourselves. The aroma of LeReconciliation helps us find peace with the past, joy in our relationships as they are today, and hope for the future of our connections to loved ones near to us or far away.
LeReconciliation is a marvelous oil for grief and loss, especially if there were hard feelings or trauma in the relationship at the time of the parting.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeReconciliation is a good oil for skin care and massage. If there are any physical ailments with roots reaching into relationships, this blend should bring relief—both to the emotions and the physical imbalances.
Cautions: This is a very mild and pleasant oil. It has no contraindications.