INGREDIENTS: basil, cypress, fir, lavender, marjoram, wintergreen
AFFINITY FOR: muscles, bones, respiratory system
RESONANCE: physical
APPLICATION: LeWarmDown should be applied, diluted, to any area of the body where there are sore or strained muscles. This blend makes an excellent massage oil. It is often used in conjunction with LePaine, and if there is structural misalignment, LeMillenia is added to the regimen.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: LeWarmDown has an underlying aroma of “black licorice”. It is the aroma of basil and is wonderful if you happen to like black licorice. If you find this aroma offensive, try LeTendaCare instead.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeWarmDown is antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory. This makes it an excellent remedy for tight, tired, sore, and aching muscles of any description. This blend is often reached for with sports injuries, muscle strains and sprains, and for torn ligaments.
LeWarmDown seems to aid calcium absorption and distribution throughout the body. This makes it useful for charley horses and the leg cramps during pregnancy. The regular use of LeWarmDown can slow the progress of osteoporosis by improving calcium absorption.
LeWarmDown makes an excellent massage oil for back and joint pain. It often relieves stress headaches, where tight muscles in the neck and shoulders are contributing factors. LeWarmDown increases capillary circulation and protects the skin by helping it to retain moisture.